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Reset codici errori ECU - Spgnimento spia/LED Warning Engine
16241153 Inviato: 13 Ago 2021 8:40
Oggetto: Reset codici errori ECU - Spgnimento spia/LED Warning Engine

Procedura per reset codici errori ECU

1. Con cavalletto laterale alzato, girare chiave ad accendere motore. ( non toccare alcun comando)
2. Far girare il motere al minimo per più di 30 secondi. ( non toccare alcun comando) (io ho atteso 1 minuto)
3. A questo punto partire e mantenere per almeno 5 minuti una velocità superiore ai 40 km/h. ( io ho guidato per 11 minuti)
NON scendere mai sotto questa velocità.
La somma dei tempi della procedura 2 e 3 deve essere superiore a 10 minuti (la mie è durata 12 minuti)
4. Fermarsi e spegnere motore.
5. Ripetere consecutivamente le procedure 1, 2, 3, 4 per almeno 3 volte.
6. Al termine riaccendete motore e il LED arancione del motore sarà spento.

Intera procedura testata da me con successo

Tratto da Manuale Servizio Kawasaki Z650 - Z650 ABS

Self-Diagnosis Outline
The self-diagnosis system is monitoring the following
DFI System and Ignition System
The following warning indicator lights (LED) are used for
warning indicators of below table.
LED Color Warning Indicators
Red [A]
Oil Pressure
Water Temperature
Yellow [B] FI
The self-diagnosis system has two modes and can be
switched to another mode by operating the meter unit.

User Mode
The ECU notifies the rider of troubles in DFI system and
ignition system by lighting or blinking the yellow engine
warning indicator light (LED) [A] when DFI and ignition
system parts are faulty, and initiates fail-safe function.
In case of serious troubles, ECU stops the injection and
ignition operations.

Dealer Mode
The LCD displays the service code(s) [A] to show the
problem(s) which the above system has at the moment of
Self-Diagnosis Procedures

○Use a fully charged battery when conducting
self-diagnosis. Otherwise, the warning indicator light
(LED) and indicator do not light or blink.
•Turn the ignition switch on and start the engine.
○When a problem occurs with DFI system and ignition system,
the yellow engine warning indicator light (LED) [A]
stays on after starting the engine to alert the rider.

Self-Diagnosis Procedures

○Use a fully charged battery when conducting

Service Code Table
Service Codes | DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) | Problems
11 P0123 Main throttle sensor malfunction, wiring open or short
12 P0106
Intake air pressure sensor malfunction, wiring open or short
Intake air temperature sensor malfunction, wiring open or short
Water temperature sensor malfunction, wiring open or short
21 P0335 Crankshaft sensor malfunction, wiring open or short
24 P2158 Rear wheel rotation sensor malfunction, wiring open or short
25 P0915
Gear position sensor malfunction, wiring open or short
31 C0064 Vehicle-down sensor malfunction, wiring open or short
Subthrottle sensor malfunction, wiring open or short
Oxygen sensor malfunction or inactivate, wiring open or short
39 – ECU communication error
41 P0201 Fuel injector #1 malfunction, wiring open or short
42 P0202 Fuel injector #2 malfunction, wiring open or short
51 P0351 Stick coil #1 malfunction, wiring open or short
52 P0352 Stick coil #2 malfunction, wiring open or short
56 P0480 Radiator fan relay malfunction, wiring open or short
62 P2100 Subthrottle valve actuator malfunction, wiring open or short
64 P0410 Air switching valve malfunction, wiring open or short
67 P0030 Oxygen sensor heater malfunction, wiring open or short
94 P0170 Fuel supply system malfunction
3A P0443 Purge valve malfunction, wiring open or short (Equipped Models)
self-diagnosis. Otherwise, the warning indicator light
(LED) and indicator do not light or blink.
•Turn the ignition switch on and start the engine.
○When a problem occurs with DFI system and ignition system,
the yellow engine warning indicator light (LED) [A]
stays on after starting the engine to alert the rider.

•Push the left meter button [A] to display the odometer.
•Push the left [A] and right [B] meter buttons for more than
two seconds. •The service code [C] is displayed on the LCD by the number
of two digits.
•Any of the following procedures ends self-diagnosis.
○When the service code is displayed on the LCD, push the
left and right meter buttons for more than two seconds.
The display will return to the previous display.
○When the ignition switch is turned off.

Service Code Reading
○The service code(s) is displayed on the LCD by the number
of two digits.
○When there are a number of problems, all the service
codes can be stored and the display will begin starting
from the lowest number service code in the numerical order.
○Then after completing all codes, the display is repeated
until the ignition switch is turned off or left and right meter
buttons are pushed for more than two seconds.
○For example, if three problems occurred in the order of
56, 11, 24, the service codes are displayed (each two
seconds) from the lowest number in the order listed as
shown. (11→24→56)→(11→24→56)→· · ·(repeated)

Service Code Erasing
•The service codes stored in memory of the ECU can be erased using Kawasaki Diagnostic System
(KDS Ver.3).
If the Kawasaki Diagnostic System (KDS Ver.3) is not available, do the following procedures.
1. Turn on the ignition switch and start the engine.
2. Keep the idling speed more than 30 seconds.
3. Run the vehicle more than 5 minutes at a speed of 40 km/h (25 mph) or more.
Be sure to keep the engine running during procedures 2 and 3 for more than 10 minutes in total.
4. Turn the ignition switch off.
5. Repeat the above procedures 3 times.
6. Start the engine and check that the yellow engine warning indicator light (LED) goes off.

○The ECU may be involved in these problems. If all the parts and circuits checked out good, be sure
to check the ECU for ground and power supply. If the ground and power supply are checked good,
replace the ECU.
○When no service code is displayed, the electrical parts of the DFI system has no fault, and the
mechanical parts of the DFI system and the engine are suspect.
○DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) is displayed on the Kawasaki Diagnostic System (KDS Ver.3) and
the Generic Scan Tool (GST).
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